ACM MMSports 2023
6th International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports
The MMSports 2022 hosted a competition with four challenges dedicated to Basketball named DeepSportradar 2022. This year, the second edition has 3 challenges: 2 on basketball and 1 on cricket!
These 3 challenges portray the multisport nature of the DeepSportradar competition! The challenges are hosted on EvalAI where participants will submit the predictions of their model. Labels of the evaluation set used to rank the participants will be kept secret and leaderboards will display the ranking for each challenge.
This challenge was the most popular from the first edition with results showing still room for improvements. This year we will add a new and more restrictive metrics to better discriminate the results, specifically on occlusions!
Also this challenge was popular in the last edition. Moreover, our dataset has been listed in the Awesome ReID Datasets! This year, we will add more data on the challenge set!
This challenge meets DeepSportradar objective to become a multisport challenge! Cricket is among the most participated sports in the world: Australia, India, Pakistan, South Africa and the UK! The International Cricket Council (ICC) identified this sport is played by an impressive 125 countries around the world.
Each challenge is based on a dataset of manually annotated images made publicly available by Sportradar . The proposed solutions must not use any other data than the data specifically given in the challenge toolkit. However, for neural network solutions, using a pretrained model from a well known model-zoo and trained on a public dataset is accepted, but this must be clearly stated in the submission report. The data destinated for evaluation cannot be used in any form for training (pseudo-labelling is forbidden).
The challenges will run in two phases described hereafter. Participants are allowed (and encoraged) to submit to both phases, and can compete in the three different challenges. Note that this year EvalAI will only display one single phase! The first phase will be announced to the participants based on the status of the leaderboard at the end of the first phase. Any team of one or multiple members can participate in the challenge but individuals can only belong to one single team per challenge. Challenge organizers cannot participate in their challenge.
First phase - Compete to have your method published in the conference proceedings
For each challenge, the top 3 teams performing best on the leaderboard will have a 2 weeks delay to write a workshop paper presenting their method. The papers will follow a reviewing process and, upon acceptance by reviewers, will be published on the workshop proceedings. Please refer to the workshop call for papers for submission policies.
Second phase - Compete to win up to $1,000
For each challenge, the team performing best on the leaderboard will be awarded a $500 prize. In addition, a jury prize of $500 per challenge will be awarded to the team proposing the most innovative solution, regardless of the performance on the leaderboard.
To be eligible, submissions must be acompagnied with a link to a public repository hosting the code to reproduce their results. The repository should also include a technical report describing the proposed approach. The reports and the code will be reviewed by the challenge organizers that may disqualify any submission for which legitimity is uncertain.
The winners will be contacted one week before the workshop to prepare a 5 minutes presentation presenting their method. Their technical report and a link to their repository will be published on the challenge website.
Challenge Dates
Subject | Date |
Competition starts | 1 June 2023 |
First Phase: intermediate ranking and winners notification for paper candidates | 20 July 2023 |
MMSport 23 Regular workshop papers submission | 21 July 2023 |
Extended paper submission deadline for intermediate winners | 4 August 2023 |
Camera ready version for intermediate winners | 12 August 2023 |
Second Phase: final ranking for price awarding | 20 October 2023 |
Note: The submission deadline is at 11:59 p.m. of the stated deadline date Anywhere on Earth.